
This site is about building your own guitar effects pedals. Everything here was given freely and is offered freely.

Here is a summary of the topics with links in the right-hand sidebar

  • Circuits contains schematics, layouts, and parts lists for pedals like the Tube Screamer and Big Muff Pi.
  • Parts is an electronics theory section organized by components (resistors, capacitors, …).
  • Thoughts is a catch all.
  • Tools lists various useful items for building pedals. There is special attention to Eagle CAD software.

Recent posts are listed below.

The Deluxe Bazz Fuss from Home-Wrecker.com

Stobiepole's Bazz Fuss Build

The Bazz Fuss is one of the best beginner projects out there (it was maybe my second or third build). Maybe too simple to need a PCB layout, but hey, I had time on my hands. The layout is for the deluxe version from home-wrecker.com, including the transformer. The layout allows you to skip the transformer, if you don’t feel the need. Lood guck with it.

Davisson’s JFET Vulcan

Eagle3D POV-Ray Rendering of JFET Vulcan

I happened to notice a thread on diystompboxes.com started by Aron about Joe Davisson’s JFET Vulcan. You can listen to some mp3 clips that Aron posted in that thread. I had a layout for the BJT Vulcan from several years back so I decided to update it and convert it to the JFET version. This layout has not been verified yet, but I am confident that it is correct. If you do verify it, please let me know. You should be able to fit it into a Hammond 1590B enclosure. … more …

1/4″ Phone Jacks and Plugs

Custom gaussmarkov mojo cables kick off this post about 1/4″ phone jacks commonly used in stompboxes. 😉 This tutorial supplements a recent post on wiring up a stompbox with off-board components.

Mono and Stereo Phone Plugs … more …