This subforum is created at the suggestion of Analogguru who came up with the following idea for the forum
Another part should be modification: on ebay you can buy really cheap pedals. For example this week I bought a Ken-Multi/monarch Distortion for Eur 8,50 plus shipment. This boxes are not so bad. For example the PSK SDS-2, SDS-3 or SDS-5 (seems to be now the roque SDS-5 can be easily be modified to be a Rat. They put in this unit since years a 470 Ohm instead of the 47 Ohm resistor in the...
Hi, totally new to this forum :mrgreen:
I Guess this is THE place for effects pedal questions.
Been looking around for confirmed Joyo pedal clones, are there any list of the pedals they have cloned?
I haven't found one so i started a list of my own and i woulld really like you guys who have knowledge about their products to add information or deny/confirm information in my list.
I found an old post in wich a Joyo speaker sim bypass was discussed. The problem i encoutered (beside pcb soldering :lol: ), my JF14 appears to have a different layout............ :roll:
Does anyone have a clue how to achieve a speaker sim bypass on this pcb board?
I am curious if anyone here has tried these. They are targeted to HiFi Stereo buffs on AliExpress (I assume Temu and Wish, also).
I actually ordered a couple of one style to goof around with.
I'm just curious if anyone has experience with their use in pedals.
This is the vendor I see most frequently with these:
HuaXinHuiDianZi Store
I mean, if they suck they suck and I'm out about $15 USD.
But I'm curious if anyone else has goofed around with them.
I got a joyo maximum overdrive which has a RC4558P inside. Usually i like that chip. Its mean sounding. Throaty with good sustain. However i would like to get more gain out of this pedal. And i am wondering if there is any Op-Amp replacement out there, that gives me more of those qualities. More gain, more bite, more sustain, while still keeping the mid range focus. Any ideas which current production chips to try? Also there is a 1 uF cap at EC2, near the gain pot. Would changing the value of...
There seems to be DS-1 mods everywere but opinions are mixed,some people report great results while others say they buggered their pedal and they want it back to stock.
Any of you tone fiends have the definitive mods for the little orange box?
So i wanna tighten up my California pedal. And came across THIS mod:
Joyo California Sound pedal modified for a much bigger open tone & more headroom. Joyo copied the Tech21 Character pedal, but got the value of the speaker sim capacitor wrong on the California. As a result, these pedals sound extremely muffled and overly dark. It sounded more like a recto than the Mark Series that it is supposed to model. I replaced the cap with the correct value. It now sounds much bigger, less fizzy and...
I’m a new member here and this is my first post, so I’m hoping to get some advice. I recently picked up an overdrive pedal from Axcess by Gianni (I learned that Belcat is the actual manufacturer), and I’m thinking about modding it to get a more fuzz -like sound.
One thing I’m curious about is identifying what the pedal is based on. From my research, I think it might be similar to the BOSS SD-1, but I’m not sure. Does anyone here have experience with this pedal or know if...
.. the tittle of this thread being an attempt to play with words, although English is not my mother tongue. :P
I've already posted the explanations below in some long tedious posts or threads in other forums... But it should make more sense here. I'll just keep it relatively short for a first topic. :-)
The Tube Pilot is a cheap tube overdrive, apparently inspired by Butler / Chandler / Tube works Tube Drivers.
Problem: the Tube Pilot doesn't host any tone control nor tone correction for...
So basically I just soldered a TRS jack between the output lug of the feedback pot and the pad where the lug is supposed to go. Pedals can go as inserts in the loop, but I noticed the PS-2 will start to oscillate when the pot is set to noon instead of 3 o'clock like it normally does when using pedals in the loop. Otherwise feedback behaves normal. Any ideas on how to solve this?
Are there any mods for the MI Audio Crunchbox that will enable it to clean up better with the guitar volume knob? I built a BSIAB II and I like the way it cleans up with my guitar volume. It seems like the CB would be less of a one trick pony if there was a way to address this.
I'm an absolute beginner. I have a Donner Ultimate Comp I purchased seven years ago and the new model doesn't sound as good. The old model has a loose power jack. How hard would it be to fix that? I don't want to mess up my pedal if they don't make them like they used to anymore. It works fine but I think it was shorting out another pedal when on a daisy chain. I've put it on it's own power supply since then, and no more daisy chains. Any advice would be appreciated! :worship:
a) C27 and C28 make up a non-polarized 16.5uf capacitor which sets the speed range. If the capacitance value is reduced, the speed range goes higher. Faster speed can produce an effect that sounds very much like a ring modulator. I would suggest a pair of 4.7uf caps, back to back, as a suitable replacement.
b) Maximum flanging effect needs a 50/50 balance between delay and clean signal, but sometimes you want just a taste of flanging. If the value of R29 is increased, the balance is shifted in...
These when compared to the FZ2 should be as follows:
R23= 10k
R3= 100k
R10= 2.9k
C26= 47pF
R64= 47k
R61= 47k
The R64 & R61 are part of the buffer portion of the circuit. I didn't notice the buffer to be degrading so these can be left alone. I had not noticed the C26 being different so when I...
Just found one of these for very cheap so I gave it a go, also to understand why everybody talks bad about this one.
Actually I like it, it has its own caracter and voicing (kind of a woody tone). But I understand why people may complain about the fizziness. Strange noboy yet opened a thread about this one, so here we go!
Here's what I did to mine, to remove the fix and add a bit more overall body to the pedal:
C9 47n
C10 2n7
C7 3n3
R21 47k
R73 Jumper
C40 10n
R49 1k8
C18 1uF
Hey all,
first of all I may be posting in the wrong section, so mods, feel free to move the thread wherever it should be.
So I've read here and there about DemonFX and how they might be copying the cosmetics of famous pedals but not necessarily their schematics. That seems a bit silly and I don't see what they would gain from only doing half of the job.
Also I have read on Reddit someone said that Josh @JHS had (reportedly) had a look at the AT-DS and said it was not the same as their AT+ and...
Hello everyone. I'd like to know if someone has a mod to reduce the ramp speed on a danelectro big spender. I've been looking for a mod and the schematic but have found nothing. I really like this pedal. The only thing that bothers me a little is the ramp speed. It takes 10 seconds to ramp up and down. I think it's excessive and it is not useable. I want to reduce it to 4-5 seconds, but since i know nothing about modding, i have no idea what to do. I dont know if i have to change a cap, or a...
If so, was it worth modding or did it still sound thin and like a razor blade stabbing your ears ? Im thinking of modding mine and I have never tried modding a pedal so im curious if its worth doing
joyo jf-04 high gain distortion - mod to restore marshall shredmaster bass control.
according to analogguru, the joyo jf-04 is based on a marshall shredmaster with fixed (omitted knob) bass control.
so am opening this pimp-my-cheap-pedal thread specifically dedicated to reinstating (or attempting to) this bass control.
having checked out the schematic , and had quick look inside mine and at the unboxed gutshots posted here by grrrunge (proper components, no sm scabs, solid board that can...
Attached is the schematic, does anybody know how to mod a DD-2 to kill the dry signal having only the Repeats heard and in bypass to be silent, no clean signal.
Hello, i just got this used from amazon, and like mentioned on other sites the pedal seems to have a noticeable volume drop. The pedal is digital so i'm not really sure something can be done but maybe i can post some photos for someone interested looking into it?
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