The interesting thing is the case looks like a Maestro Fuzztone clone - inside it doesn´t match with the Sekova´s or anything else - especially because there are 2 Ge-diodes visible.
Any infos are welcome,
apollo FAII unbranded 01.jpeg Apollo FAII unbranded 02.jpeg Apollo FAII unbranded 03.jpeg Apollo FAII unbranded 04.jpeg Apollo FAII unbranded 05.jpeg Apollo FAII unbranded 06.jpeg
A few years ago I posted the actual hfe of Q1-Q4 from a 1974 Rams Bead Big Muff with FS36999 transistors as measured using a Peak DCA55. They were: Q4: 163, Q3: 214, Q2: 171, Q1: 160.
Since that time I've worked on three more pre-1975 Rams Head Big muffs. Two had FS36999 trannys and one had 2N5133 trannys. Guess what...they all measured less than 200 hfe, lol. The one with 2N5133 trannys were as follows: Q4: 132, Q3: 117, Q2: 145, Q1: 128. I also noticed Kit Rae posted some of his own...
Hello gys, just wanted to share some tries I have done with MK1 TB transistors
I usually use MP41A, MP40, MP40 (the last one been quite leaky works great with MK1 typology)
BUT I tried on Q2 Q3 GT403 transistors, they are crazy leaky (700, to 1500 usually). They need serious biasing but man, they sound great.
I came across this thread on another forum and thought I'd mention it here for the sake of discussion.
The info is from Don Mare, pickup maker, musician.
Link to thread
The thread title is Closest Pickups to Jimmy Pages tele
don't fall in the tone Bender trap..
What was in a TB box was not at all a TB..
Jimmy liked that Tone Bender box best and emptied it out - then put the Rodger Mayer FZ-1 clone into the TB box himself - Jimmy did not really like the TB and was more used to older...
I thought this might be of interest. It's a kind of modulated doubling delay.
This particular unit is quite distressed. I've traced it to help debug it.
Switching and power are not shown. It has it's own plug, and i couldn't be bothered to follow the wires around a transformer and bridge rectifier etc. There's a couple of regulators for +15V and -12V.
I'm not very experienced with this stuff, so please take it all with a grain of salt.
OK, I’m finally digging through my pile of vintage pedals resurrecting them from the dead. Here’s a mid 70’s EH Echoflanger. If anyone has gut shots, schematics, layouts, info, etc. to get this puppy up, that would be greatly appreciated.
need help debugging this gorgeous pedal.
Power is ok when A3 is out of socket. I have +/-13 volts. When I put IC back to socket (LFO) and turn Delay pot from min to max delay time, all voltages start to act crazy. On minimum delay all voltages go down to 7 V.
In some positions of delay pot I can get bias to work and there is delayed signal.
Can You help?
Crazy this doesn't seem to have been traced before.
I was compelled to trace this unit as the only available schematic (a factory one at that) didn't match what I had infront of me.
Noticed differences between factory schematic and my trace:
•There's numerous resistor value differences
•A whole output buffer added
•No resistor between ground and the + input on the final all-pass stage.
•The colour switch and blend labelled the right way.
•No input 'pulldown' resistor.
This vintage octave-up/ring modulator showed up on Reverb for just a few days. Here are the seller's pics if anyone wants to trace it. The only adjustments are two trim pots. The instructions are posted on Effects Database and are included here for continuity. Apparently Thurlby is still in business in the UK, as Aim-TTi (Thurlby Thandar Instruments) which manufactures test equipment and power supplies.
What sort of psychotic madman would do this....
I've worked on Mutron Filters over the years, including a month ago but this is insane.
They stuffed it in the control cavity
Topology looks different, three batteries - one for the LED's, two for power or it has a separate power supply box with multi pin cable.
Several intermittent things, looks like a severe pain to work on.
I have Germanium transistors knocking about as in the picture and some AC128 that I can't find at present. :roll: In my hand there 10 red dot, just the 2 white dot and a roll of OA47 diodes maybe 500 or more. Are these transistors NKT275 as they were bought here in GB back in the early 1970s? This site goes on & on about Fuzz Face diodes and about 10 page downs they mention red and white dots on canned transistors.
I might have more somewhere as I have a lot of older components like...
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