I've recently noticed that Tim's great site at is coming up as a virus, trojan horse, or other bad things in my browser. So I thought I'd grab all the circuit images and zip them up for safe keeping. I have emailed him in the recent past, but there has been no reply. :hmmm:
Attached is a zip file of ALL of the effects circuits from his site.
Rock on, and may the creative spirit of the Great Escobedo be with you always. :thumbsup
Press and hold the switch to reset, ramp up, and finally hold the control voltage. Higher CV=longer delay. Some of the values are altered to make it look better in the sim. More appropriate values shown in the image below. I have them this way in the sim because it's dreadfully slow to watch the circuit operation at normal speeds.
There are plenty of other ways of doing this, sure... but there's something satisfying about using the PT2399 itself to...
A friend has just brought an article in the latest issue of Elektor which publishes one of my circuits under some else's name! The original scribbled diagram is attached below. I'll put a nicer version up later, with the PCB details and the off-board wiring. It uses a single 9V battery to get up to ~17V p-p output, which is great going into a valve amp! It's a clean boost, so should be used just before the amplifier - you really don't want to put 17V p-p into your other pedals!!!
Can someone please help me out? I've tried to figure this out and I'm still not getting it. Theres an in and out and then what? Just find grounds for the other wires on the jacks? I'm lost.
Inspired by the MI Audio Boost 'n' Buff, maybe even a workalike (I haven't seen a schem for that one, so who knows). Simple op-amp boost with gain variable from 1 to 11, SPST makes it just a buffer (gain of 1). Low output impedance at all settings, high input impedance, easy to mod for your needs.
i'm sending layout + schematics of orginal tube version still need a bat85 on fet legs, same like in AMT designs
If someone have time to check or have any ideas please help :)
Who is not intrigued by the Stingray sound.
I looked at the preamp (thanks Bajaman) and noticed an immediate vulnerability: the input resonance circuit.
I made a wrapper around the preamp that caters for that problem and offers a little boost on the end if necessary.
No witchcraft really. I am amazed nobody ever tried this.
Whole documentation and humble sound samples here
Housing is on the way.
Stuff it together and let us know how it works for you.
You may even have the circuit fragments...
Having a clear out the other day, I found a couple of tubes of 4007UBE ICs. These CMOS beasts have a couple of useful inverters in them (that can virtually behave like op-amps) and an unallocated FET. I remembered using these things for audio routing (Maxon and Pearl did this with some of their 80s pedals), and also had great success with them as high gain distortion devices. One of these included a noise gate, and if the attack was slowed a lot, it was very like a distorted Slow Gear - a very...
hello everyone, i did a search before this but couldn't find a thread relating to this circuit solely. so, i decided to make a new one. sorry if i caused any inconvenience to anyone.
okay, although i know there are a few verified layouts floating around already, but as part of my learning process(plus i was also looking for a smaller, more compact layout and with all resistors laid flat down), i hope you guys don't mind me giving it a shot. this was my first attempt at producing a vero layout...
Has anybody played around with the Shure Level Loc Compressor circuit before? I has popped up on a few pro audio forums ( here & here ) and I was surprised to see that it runs on a 9V single supply.
I cut out just the compressor part from irfrench's 500-series version & built it up on the breadboard. Holy squish!!! This thing is like a tone trampoline. It clamps down HARD on the signal & has a much less transparent crunch to it than other FET compressors like the Rothwell Love Squeeze or Jon...
Ok Crazy stuff happening,, so I'm looking for clues?
I found an Old tremolo circuit,, revived it into a working pedal type unit.
Inserted into my Parallel efx loop and yay it worked/ sounded as expected.
i.e. Volume goes up and down at a rate set by the frequency knob. second knob is just a depth control.
Now I'm not big on pedals but I do have a couple, one being a very cheap Behringer Delay, (DD400).
So I decided to insert the DD400 *After* the Tremolo, thinking it may add something more...
Does anyone have any info on the Craig Anderton Clarifier Onboard EQ? I built one out of an old Guitar Player Magazine about 20 years ago. I used it as an EQ after a distortion circuit and from what I remember it sounded pretty good. Anyway that pedal is long gone along with the build article. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Being unsatisfied with the sound of most octave fuzzes I tried/listened to I decided to cook something up myself.
This is really nothing new, but just a 2+2=5.
I took the rectifier circuit from Gus Smalley's Octave Up Sick Box. (which is just an opamp version of the transistor version seen in a lot of the octavers). I fixed the gain to about 4.7x. And removed the diode clippers. I fed the output of this via a big muff style sustain control into a bog standard gain maxed out fuzz face...
I have eight different* cabsims laying on my desk. All diy work. And I have just made very short recording - for fun and for a comparison. Equipment used - guitar, POD HD500x, audio interface, Reaper. HD500x settings - all the effects off, Engl preamp on, cabsim off, looper ON). I've recorded short sample using PODs looper, and then played the sample through each cabsim into an audio interface. No further processing.
Here is the recording..
First sample - no cabsim, then cabsim1, cabsim2.....
I'm building some mammoths, with improved tonestacks.
Here's the schematic I'll be using. Kudo's to the creator of the James stack. I don't know who it is, but I think I first saw it in the James Muff and the SFT. It must go way back though..
The output buffer is also from the James muff.
No unusual ICs required! Uses just four cheap transistors! Most of you will have all of the parts in your junk boxes! SimpleCompressor.jpeg
The input impedance was originally designed to be about 10k as it was going to be used after another effect pedal. If you want to connect it first in line, before all your other toys, you'll need a higher input impedance: increase the two input bias resistors to 330k or 470k and reduce the input capacitor to 100n or even as low as 47n. Because the circuit...
Having recently acquired some LCR0202 vactrols on the cheap, I wanted to give the Quackmire a try on vero. Unfortunately the few layouts I found were pretty messy and wouldn't fit the vactrol formfactor. I also wanted to add a few controls to it, so I decided to make my own layout.
My version of the circuit is slightly modified for bass, though it sounds OK on guitar if you don't mind it being a bit swampy. First, my edit of the original schematic:
I am interested into the Grind Customs De Profundis delay, as it is supposed to be a DIY project, featuring a hi-pass tone trimmer (which i am interested into studying).
Unfortunately, the website seems gone for a while, and the layout from doesn't feature the aforementionned tone trimmer.
Could anyone help about telling me where this trimmer is supposeed to be, and/or where to find teh schematic as well as a veroboard layout, please ?
Thank you in advance,
another link to a (as always) verified stripboard of what has to be my favorite treble booster to date
although it is very Brian May it has alot of potential to sit in a lot of mixes and band situations - I'm sure someone has youtubed the original - this sounds exactly the same as the original
was dicking around with a fuzzbox for swingers by herb friedman outta electronics illustrated from july of 68,
and well, one thing led to another, and this happened...
i didn't have the original transistors, 3391 and 3392 which had an ecb pinout, so i laid it out for common ebc transistors. i tried about 100 npn's of various gains, and what sounded best to my ear in the end was a pair of 5089's, a first... i've never dug higher gain silicon transistors in any fuzz i've built, but in here, it's...
Hello everyone. Have you ever felt limited by the baxandall tone control and have seen circuits you like but have no mid range control. Well suffer no more here is an igenious little mod you can add and not change the way the original circuit behaves. If you try it let me know what you think enjoy!!!!!
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