Why is the guitar so good at picking up mains hum or are my guitars wired wrong? I have made two kit guitars a Strat & Les Paul. A similar problem of mains hum with volume position exists on both but the LP has unique wiring so I will just concentrate on the Strat. If the volume is set around 75% it makes the guitar a perfect aerial for mains hum. At full volume there is zero pickup as shown in the picture. Both pictures are 2mV/div so there is almost 10mV of hum. :o Is it my guitar and wiring...
i bought an used Mike Pope Flexcore and i want to obtain the schematic in order to simulate it via spice and see the frequency response. Here it is some high quality photos, i've already traced it (red=upper layer, blue=bottom layer) and i tried using fiverr for the EQ section , the pcb where is located the quad-opamp (there is an error in the fiverr schematic: seeing the 6 holes the guy thought of a stereo pot but in reality the EQ pcb is used either with the bass control or a concentric...
I have a Yamaha BB425X electric bass. I like it mostly, but sometimes I find it too bassy.
So I ordered a 2-band preamp from ToneMonster and I built it in my bass.
However, with all the pots in the cavity I had no more room left for the battery.
So I rolled my own battery pack using some painters tape, 2 wires and 3 3V CR2032 button cells.
I found that a pretty nifty solution!
Capacity should be ~500mAh, not that much less than a 9V brick. So lifetime shouldn't be a problem.
I am gradually setting up my kit Les Paul copy as per this thread
It is difficult to believe that after almost 100 years easily fixable faults from their first designs have never been sorted out. Looking at the Les Paul and other guitar bridges on the same length frets I thought I can save myself a lot of bother tuning the intonation by copying the positions of the moulded bridge on the Gibson Junior to the saddles on mine. I took a picture and measured the positions then set my saddles...
I play a guitar with a Tele bridge SC and a neck humbucker. I use the bridge PU only, but have to push the low frequencies with the overdrive EQ and amp EQ.
The guitar has already an onboard buffer based on an Opamp, what I really like. I use a capacitator with 1nF to replace the unbuffered cable, which is a relatively high value I think. So the resonance peak is at a relatively low frequency. All in all the buffering brings to the sound this relative warm resonance peak (very solid midrange)...
I've token some photos of Noll Mixpot 1, and tryed to redraw the shematic. As all can be seen without opening anything, it's not a problem to show this on the forum, is it ? I'll delete files if it is.
It's a active blend pot with two separate input stage with +18db trim gains and a output buffer.
There's not many active blend without eq. The only other one i know is emg abc, but seems only to be two buffers.
I'm really newby in electronic. There's maybe some mistake. It's seems me a...
hello folks, i found this schematic on the web for the Aguilar OBP3 preamp, i want to use B100k pots for the eq but i don´t know exactly which resistors and capacitors i need to scale, as you can see is not the classic baxandall topology, could someone guide me please? thanks in advance
I have always coveted a Les Paul but my playing doesn't warrant a real one for £1000+ so I bought one of those DIY guitar kits off Amazon for £50 and it has come together quite well as in the picture. When switched to the middle for both pickups on It has the peculiar feature that if either volume is turned down no sound comes out. I searched here to see if it was mentioned and like on this thread
the Humbuckers have 4 wires but mine have 2 wires so now I am totally confused about what is the...
So a while back I picked up an Ibanez Gio GSR200 bass off of craigslist for cheap, and though it sounded kinda like crap with everything on it stock, I got infatuated with the onboard preamp it came with, especially after opening it up and seeing that it was a relatively simple circuit. Well, I've been working on tracing it for a while, and after a good amount of trial and error, I finally built a working copy and drawn up a schematic. The circuit is compact and fits comfortably in...
Anybody have a schematic for the booster circuit found in 80s BC Rich guitars and basses or maybe someone has a BC Rich that can post some pics? Need to build one to replace the missing circuit in my 80s Fernandes Eagle copy.
A friend gave me a Epiphone EBM-4 he just bought used in pretty good condition.
The only problem is that despite what the seller told, it doesn't make any sound but a slight noise when it's plugged into an amp.
I don't really worry about that: I think a JRC082 on the preamp board has to be swapped, or something like that.
But since there's no infos on the web about this preamp, I decided to trace a schematic from the board and share it there. :wink:
I'm looking for help on a specific split humbucker wiring. I have experience building and modifying guitars, but I've always used a pickup diagram. I've searched on all of the common guitar wiring diagram sites and several forums, to little avail. I am converting an SSS stratocaster to HH. I would like to keep the three stratocaster pots, having a master volume, tone for the neck pickup, and tone for the bridge pickup. The pickup combinations I'm looking to wire are as follows:
Hi guys... my Blackmor-ish sound search continues... After the TP-1011 preamp, now is the time of MTC, a circuit built by the guitar tech of Ritchie:
This circuit seems to be a LCR filter which helps to obtain the famous shaped RB sound... according to Dawk's site it smoothes up the sound a lot, it's some kind of subtle but still very noticeable. Your sound also gets crystal clear! With the MTC your tone pots stat to work like wah wahs, turn them to zero and it sounds like a closed wah but...
I hope it's alright if I ask here, I'm not a member of many forums. I asked this question on Talkbass as well.
I'm making a quad pickup, so I need to make 4 individual one string/magnet pickups. Should I still be aiming for a 7k-10k resistance range? Or does it differ if I'm using a smaller magnet. I did a test run and don't see me going past 4k rotations around the magnet before I run out of space. Some info:
does anybody have the baja schematic for active pickups??, id would like to try it but i have seen many different sch everywhere, so im looking for it in here, if BAJA can tell me will be amazing, looking for the EMG81, also if anybody have the LM4250 on smd eagle library its welcome too
Hi folks
First thanks to pf_fan for his encouragement and pictures, and a special thanks to the nice person on the EMG forum for providing some nice hi-res pictures of an SPC and EXG circuit board.
Now to the nitty gritty :wink:
EMG produce a range of active tone controls, but the most popular configuration is that used by david gilmour in his red strat - the DG20.
The most recent version is completely solderless with push on connectors and all the componentry is hidden between the rear of the...
Simple low battery indicator for usage in a bass guitar with active pickups. LED lights up when battery voltage is below 7V, indicating that it's time to change the battery,
Like the F1x, was browsing and recalled that I actually bought the schematic for the Alembic onboard dual filter preamp (older version of the series onboard electronics, I think).
I'll post it here for posterity.
Quite elaborate, these basses have two pickups and a dummy coil, which needs to be carefully adjusted. They also have a second order low pass filter per pickup, with either a switch or a pot for Q . In the old days, they used a separate outboard power supply, not sure if that is still...
Quick question; got a bass with 2 pickups. Each pickup goes to it's own active pre-amp and then to it's own output (a 5 pin output (audio left, audio right, ground, V+, V-)). Pickup > Pre Amp> volume > output.
I'm having an issue where I'm hearing the bridge when I'm plugged into the jack that should just be the neck, or vice verse. What can I do to fix that? Would a big resistor by the input or output help?
Hi, I found a cheap passive stingray bass copy and I build a simple pre amp with spare part I already own, I could have build the OG pre but I do not own a low current opamp and in my country is not easy to get reverse log pots. So I put a Tillman in the input, followed by a scaled james tonestack and a lpb1 boost as recovery, it sound pretty good for a fast and simple point to point build. Some problem, flat is not in the 50%, 50% position is more like in the 50%, 60%.
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