This section is devoted to circuit analysis . This means...
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you should check whether a thread exists about the unit in question, and add your info in that thread.
Here’s another traced Landtone (TTone, USDream) schematic This one is for the Landtone Fuzz.
This one is component for component identical to the EHX Op Amp Big Muff Pi as drawn in this forum here , save the initial power noise shunting cap (C10 in my drawing, C13 in Gottfried Divos’), and the volume pot (10k-B instead of 100k-B). The pot is RK097 style if you would want to change it out. The cap is fine as it is.
I sent a bunch of pics to AG a while back, but I know he has a lot more important things to worry about these days...
Unfortunately I dont have wiring photos (and I can't remember the name of the guy who sent these pics to me....) , but these should get us close. We'll just have to make an educated guess about the pot values and wiring.
TLDR: Here is the schematic for the Landtone Delay pedal. It is a Tonepad Rebote 2.5 . I’m not sure you call it a clone if the original pedal is a DIY pedal.
This is my second trace here. I’m waiting for the paint to be finished on the first one I traced and built. It would be really nice if Landtone included the drawings with their pedals – but hey, cheap stuff from China, right?
I’ve physically traced the entire circuit.
I made sure to label the PT2399 U2. All delay chips should always be...
We usually include schematics in the user manual. We weren't able to do that this time because the user manual had to be small enough to fit into a box only slightly bigger than the pedal, and the schematic would have been illegible at that scale. I'll eventually get around to uploading the schematic on our website. In the meantime, here it is.
Ok, so this is obviously the Shin-ei FY-6 circuit with a few relatively simple mods. I'll explain each of them.
Merry day before Christmas and Happy Day before Hanukah everyone!
TLDR: Here is the schematic for the Landtone Distortion 1 pedal. It is based on the MI Audio Crunch Box V2 .
I’ll introduce myself a little first. I just built an AionFX Andromeda and I am hooked. I am not new to schematics, audio circuits, electronics, electronic and PCB board repair, or CAD. I am brand new to guitar pedals and EDA software.
I got some Landtone pedals on a Black Friday special on AliExpress and I’ll be...
I've been tinkering with my DHA VT dual custom for a while and thought I'd post some shots of the board to allow folks to have a look at Dave's lovely work.
VT1 Front JPEG.jpg
VT1 Back .jpg
I've rotated the pictures so that the Inputs are on the right hand side in each picture.
Considering only about 50 of the Rockman Ultimatum Distortion Generator pedals were ever released, and having gotten my hands on one for a time, I thought it wise to trace and verify the circuit. I spent a good amount of time, coincidentally with Robert (@PedalPCB) doing a trace of the same pedal at the same time, I took the time to breadboard the circuit based on the trace I made - but without the low-battery and buffered-bypass sections.
The complete set of notes, layouts and schematic is...
He sorts his germaniums into low, medium, and high gain. Just wondering if anyone knows what the gain ranges for each of those are? Is his low gain 20-30uA, 30-70uA? Seems like one person's low gain could be another person's medium.
I was merely tapped to post this, and I was in no way involved with the reversing or drawing the schem. I don't want it to seem like I am trying to take credit here. I'm just the messenger. :mrgreen:
This has been played around with a bit on the breadboard, and it is believed that the schematic below is in fact an accurate rendering of the BJFE Dyna Red Distortion. The schematic was donated to FSB anonymously. Apparently this version was...
I haven't seen anyone do this yet, so I thought I'd get one and trace it! Please let me know if there's anything that you see that looks obnoxiously wrong, or if there's anything that you think I may have missed.
Please excuse my english!, i'm writing from chile!
i'm starting this topic since it wasn't created yet!...searching at google found this pics!
I would like to know how the add ons of this pedal are made... as everybody knows its a refined tubescreamer with active tonestack... but in the simple version there is only bass and treble so here is the first question...
how we can add to the simple bb schematic a mid control?, it necessary must be an active circuit?
Welcome, I have some gut shots of the Top Tone Light Drive (thanks to one kind person). I believe this is a Pete Cornish SS-2 without an input buffer. I have traced the pedal and I can post the schematic but I'm not 100% sure and only a few values (don't remember which) are read from the gut shots.
I don't have the pedal unfortunately, only gut shots.
Here is the schematic.
Kamadude1216 and I traced this over at the PedalPCB forum , but figured we'd share it here, too. So, bottom line upfront, here's the schematic:
With that said, let's start off with the gutshot (behind the spoiler).
As you can see, it's built on copperless perfboard with lots of offboard wiring. Everything is gooped with a soft black rubber that was easily removed.
Here's what's underneath the rubber once it's removed:
Unsurprisingly, it's quite similar to the Paul Trombetta...
I traced a DemonFX Omicron Darkglass that appears to be a copy of the Omicron Darkglass Alfa. I ordered a few PCBs with the schematic I traced, and it works just like the original (Demonfx). The only thing I have changed is the switching bypass, which I have made truebypass (the original used a CD4003 and JFETS). The rest, as is. Here is the schematic, in case you are interested.
I recently bought a Surfybear Compact and after I put it on my board I had an interesting issue. The Surfybear Compact has a decay dial but it didn't work when on the board. It would always be maxed out.
After some testing the culprit was found. It was the J. Rockett Archer Ikon. After contacting Surfybear someone there explained how the decay circuit works and that loud signals could mess it up. A short search on the net showed me that other people had issues with the Archer messing up...
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