I searched the web for some information but didn't find any build reports for the Vandal from Hell yet.
I ordered a kit of the Vandal from Hell kit from Musikding. The build document is here:
PCBGuitarMan posted a picture of the PCB here on FSB in '21:
In the above thread people wrote that they used their circuit with 12V or 18V power supplies, because the Randall circuit used 24V. But in the build doc of the Vandal from Hell it says 9V.
I'm new here and this is my first post. I recently built a PCB guitar mania Ghost Device and although the reverb effects and it's controls are all responding like they, the output signal is too loud and driving my amp to distortion.
I've done a search on the forum and found somebody was having the opposite problem. Their output signal was too low and they changed the value of R13(?) from 1m to 470r. If the output in my build it too high, should I just do the opposite, considering my...
I got a kit for this pedal and started building. My PCB version is 1v1.
I noticed that there are two 1v1 version of the building docs, and they use different resistor values:
Glory Drive DLX 1v1 – Building Docs (16th February 2023)
Glory Drive DLX 1v1 – Building Docs (11th October 2022)
I would assume the most recent one to be correct, but just wanted to check, since my kit came with the resistors for the october 2022 version.
Sorry for placing this topic here, but anyone knows what happened to the PCBGM website ?
Seems that the site is working accepting new orders but then nothing happens.
I have ordered some PCBs on April 14th and until today nothing changed from day one, always showing processing status nothing more.
I have ordered through Paypal and will leave my order a few more weeks to see if can be changed the status and they ship the order, but then if nothing happens I will ask a refund.
Hi all, I recently built a Dr Trebor for a friend of mine. After some troubleshooting (a bad 2N5457 ) It seems to be working except, the boost channel doesn't respond to either the MS trimpot, nor the boost knob - they both affect the normal channel! So, right now my normal channel is louder and has more gain than the MS boost. Would this indicate an issue with my normal channel switch, perhaps? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!
When I switch the effect on, it sounds more like a boost than a distortion pedal. Used my sound probe and found that on IC (LM386) there was distortion on Pin 3, and the transistor (2N5088) had distortion at the Base. There is distortion at R4 and the middle lug of the Gain pot. There is no distortion coming from any output area, whether it is on the PCB, 3PDT, or the Output jack. On the IC at either 6 or 7 there is only clean tone. Not sure how to fix this.
Also, I don't know how to read...
Hi there everybody,
My first post here, I am building the pcb guitar mania ‘59 tweed bassman 1v1 (and a few of their other boards). bought mostly on the premise that these were Bajaman designs.
I have hit a fairly unexpected problem..
I did not get sent the breakout for the pedals.
I tried customer support with no success.
I have tried deciphering the switching diagram for the breakout, and no cigar.
I have also tried a handful of other switch wirings..nothing..
I thought that maybe that...
I have build a Knight of Tone from PCB Guitar Mania which plays very well. Now the building docs recommend to try it without the Charge Pump if using it with a lot of overdrive.
The doc says there is a graphic which shows howto bypass the charge pump.
Unfortunately I‘m not able to find the required information or graphic.
Looking at the schematic, I’m wondering if I simply need to remove IC3 and that‘s it. Can somebody confirm that?
So I'm done with the pedal and it works fine now. As I haven't found anybody else posting a build report I thought I may just write my own.
I'm a fan of the small Solid Metal (AION makes one, too, they call it the Ember Distortion). So I really wanted the Pro version as well.
1. The Pro version gives you way more control.
2. The Pro version has lots of loops. A universal loop (always on when the pedal is on), a boost loop (only on when boost is on) and last but not least a bypass...
I‘m completely new to the pedal building game and I‘m having some start problems. I build the Sinner Bass Drive from PCB and it doesn‘t do ANYTHING. I was pretty confident that I soldered all the parts in their rightful places but maybe there‘s something I‘ve forgotten. How do I best go about finding the problem with such a project?
I‘ve attached some pictures, I would be very grateful for any help here.
Hi. I made a grumpy capuchin or bad monkey. I get sound when bypassed and the led lights up when stomped, but then I don’t get sound. I am suspecting there migtt he be something wrong with the mmbfj201. Anyone know what resistance or other things I can measure on it while it is on the board? I know I can put more solder on the switch, but I don’t think that is the problem so far since I get bypassed sound and led light when engaged (although no sound). IMG_1120.jpeg
I was wondering if the treble and bass pot on the Beloved Timmy pedal is switched on the PCB and the drilling template? Sounds like it when I play with it.
Maybe I am blind, but how are IC1 and IC2 biased? IIRC the original schem has them at bipolar 15V, but on the build docs they seem to be at 24V-gnd. I cannot see any Vref connection. Will it work as intended without a midpoint bias?
Thx in advance!
I’m building an odd pedal. This was a random idea I had to kinda Pink Floyd a Turnip Greens pedal. Three PCBs in one box. Fuzz, phaser and clean blend. There’s also an order switch in here. I want to go from either fuzz or phaser (switchable between first and second in circuit order) to the clean blend. At first glance it all made perfect sense in my mind but now that I’m about to put them in the box and wire them together I’m a little turned around. How exactly do I wire the blend in to get...
Greetings to all.
Maybe you have found similar situation - Rectifier box - rev 2.0
Problem is a status diode- as switching the pedal in bypass mode)- the status led is on. As switching between gain stages (right switch sw1) - the status led Goes off and status led for gain stage appears ?d14 and d13) depending o switchnposition.
I have tested at least 2 FS'es, similar with SW1 switch.
Does abyone of you have met this strange behaviour?
Here is a clip how it looks a like:
Effect is working...
I build this pedal from PCB Guitar Mania and if I use it with a dirt pedal in the loop of the Terminator itself all works well.
However, when I try to use it in the Serial Effects send / return of my Amp the signal of the guitar is sent straight to the effects return, instead of the guitar out of the Noise Terminator.
I have a reissue Fender Blender (corrected wiring and removed resistor to match the original per standard mods) and a PedalPCB Blender kit that both have the same issue: a constant loud hum that is masked when you hit a chord/note but which doesn't seem to actually ever go away. I just spoke to someone else with a reissue, and they said theirs also has the constant hum. But when I watch videos of the reissue online, they are seem to be silent.
Hi all,
I am in need of some help here. I have built a Benzin VH4 from PCB Guitar Mania. The pedal is passing audio signal however it has no distortion (maybe a light overdrive). I have probed the pedal and it seems that audio is nice and full coming from IC1 (Pin 7) but is being cut before it enters IC2 because it is very weak coming out of IC2 Pin7. I also had a hunch that it could be a bad cap in that gain stage so I have swapped out C6,C7,C8 and C10. Is there something I'm missing???????...
Hi all. I am having some issues with my Wolfgang 61 build. I posted on Reddit and I'm trying to repost here for help. There's a video posted over there that clearly shows the issue:
L channel seems fine, R channel seems ok until input gets too hot and then sounds blown out. Overall both channels have a noticeable volume drop from clean.
I'm corrently working on the Chopper Party Device:
I was wandering what are the 6 lugs connection points (A-0; B-0; C-0) on the PCB next to the Rate Pot of the Phaser and A-T; B-T; C-T) on the Tremolo side. Is this for a normal stereo jack socket to change the rate via expression pedal?
How do I connect the stereo jack? Where is sleeve/ground, ring abd tip?
it's me again. Does anybody of you build the Fuzz Phase pedal:
I was wandering if there are Ge-Transistors (T1 - T8) in addition to Q1-Q4. There are no further informations in the instructions but the circuit and pcb says you will need 8 soviet Ge-trannies (7x MP37, 1x MP42).
Do I need specific hFE for this build so I have to select them?
Maybe sobody can help me because he / she already build this pedal.
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