Vintage Boss OD-1 issues/capacitor replement

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Post by Stevenrb718 »

I have a 1980 long dash Boss OD-1 with the 4558. But I have a few issues with the pedal...I think. For one, the pedal doesn't work on a battery, yet the jack doesn't seem to be shunted. The LED never illuminates, even momentarily, yet the LED is tested and working fine. Also, the pedal just doesn't sound right to me. I've never played an OD-1 before, but it seems very dark and muddy with humbuckers. The 2nd half of the overdrive knob seems to not affect the sound at all, at least to what I'm hearing. The pot itself is tested fine though. Also, I read about people swapping capacitors to make it sound more like the early 14 pin IC models. Does anybody have a schematic/diagram for that mod.

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