Please help me fix a new Mosky Silver Horse

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Post by brainchutney »

Got my Mosky Silver Horse yesterday. Tried using it and after a day this is what mine does. ... -p6Xg_PLp

Can’t return it coz I sourced it from AliExpress via another country. My mom in law carried it for me. I’ve raised a dispute with AE and written to Mosky as well. No luck so far. Trying some DIY repair if possible.

Any tips on how I should go about this ?

Any checks I can do to figure out what component is causing this ?

Tests I’ve done so far :

D2, D3 and D4 have around 0.6V reading when forward biased Using diode mode on my multimeter. No power supply connected.

With 9v connected and pedal on :

D2 is -8.8v
D3 is 0.503v
D4 is 0.501v

With 9v connected, U3 (charge pump IC 7660) pin readings with black terminal of multimeter at ground point :

Pin 1 : 8.8
Pin 2 : 8.3
Pin 3 : 0
Pin 4 : 5.9
Pin 5 : 5.87
Pin 6 : 7.18
Pin 7 : 5.31
Pin 8 : 8.8
Based on what I understand the charge pump is definitely malfunctioning. Anything else I should check ?

Here’s my post

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