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Post by modman »

Most of the pedals don't seem to be available until spring...

Looking at the Brass Master pcb - it does not bear the Behringer name - pcb seems to be designed by an Indonesian engineer...
Vibe is does not bear the Musictribe name...
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Post by Cub »

Two more !

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Post by modman »

Meet the Behringer pcb designer:
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Post by Dirk_Hendrik »

Meanwhile I'm still way more curious about the relation betweel Behringer and Warm Audio. So far my searches (a few months ago) did not come up with anything conclusive but everywhere Behringer goes with reproductions of classics Warm Audio seems to follow. Or the other way around.

Other than that, and more in general for this thread, it appears that Behringer has chosen a new route for product development where they use their engineering and manufacturing weight to reintroduce designs that are impossible to build economically if you cannot add volume to production. I'm not that surprised by klonclones or similar but I am in awe of the synthesizer reproduction products they do.
Sorry. Plain out of planes.

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Post by modman »

Why do you think there is any relation between Warm Audio and Behringer? It seems to be a Texas based company that started only in 2011, currently 35 employees and probably doing the same as Behringer does...

And googling Warm Audio gave me this one the first page - Klark Technik...
klark vs warm audio.png
klark vs warm audio.png (53.42 KiB) Viewed 1464 times
much cheaper than Warm Audio and also owned by

Wikipedia doesn't even mention Klark, but this pageproves the link:
BTW Ulli owns TC Electronic since 2015...
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Post by Lani »

Well it'll have to wait another week for the pics... jam session never happened. I'll post them as soon as I can.

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Post by Jarno »

Dirk_Hendrik wrote: 02 Feb 2025, 09:50 Other than that, and more in general for this thread, it appears that Behringer has chosen a new route for product development where they use their engineering and manufacturing weight to reintroduce designs that are impossible to build economically if you cannot add volume to production. I'm not that surprised by klonclones or similar but I am in awe of the synthesizer reproduction products they do.
Me too, and I do not get the flak the get for this, often they are relatively simple designs, with a lot of parts (which is easier to do cost effectively if you have the manufacturing clout). But I will say, with all of their acquired knowledge, so very many capable and creative engineers, is there really not something innovative and creative they can do? Their own designs like the Neutron and Proton are pretty, meh.
Great that they are reintroducing the Kobol Expander (GAS!), and are working on wildly complex projects like the Jupiter and CS80, but something like the Brassmaster, that is literally a 400 hour project, including graphic design, prototyping iteration etc., a single engineer should do 4 of those projects a year, and Music Tribe has thousands of engineers.
I think Uli is finding out that it is really hard to scale a company, and that with scale comes sluggishness and complexity.
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Post by howmuch »

Finally. It LIVES !
(Well, still a bit of a wait until available)
I know they're bringing us the "classics", but I would have preferred a Micro-tron III or IV form factor and functionality.

"Introducing Behringer B-TRON III ENVELOPE FILTER"

And have you seen this?
Not as cheap as the pedals.

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Post by modman »

Roger Linn's reaction to Behringer clone...
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Post by tuck »

I always question myself if the inventors would have a chance in court? Boss did not let Behringer fuck with them when Behringer brought out the lookalike pedals but they are huge and do have money for lawsuits.

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