Stompbox Schematics Index

Discussion regarding early stompbox technology: 1960-1975 Please keep discussion focused and contribute what info you have...
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Post by modman »

A/DA - Ampulator [schematic]
A/DA - Final Phase [schematic]
A/DA - Flanger see: - but on MN3007 Retrofit boards check this warning
A/DA - Harmony Synthesizer partial schematics

Ace Tone
Ace Tone - FM-1 Fuzz Master 1966-1968 [schematic]
Ace Tone FM-2 - thread

Amplifier Coorporation of America
Fuzz King schematic

Ampeg - Phazzer [schematic]
Ampeg - A-3 Overdrive schematic
Ampeg - Scrambler ( Reissue ) schematic
Ampeg - Sub Blaster schematic

AMT Electronics
AMT Electronics - S1 Legend series schematic
AMT Electronics - Slap Bass schematic
AMT Electronics - SS-11 A Preamp schematic
AMT Electronics - SS-20 schematic
AMT Electronics - TC-3 Tube Cake schematic
AMT Electronics - SS-30 Bulava 3-Channel Preamp schematic
AMT Electronics - Tube Magnum gut shots
AMT Electronics - Tube Platinum gut shots

Tremolo Generator UK107 - original article
Compressor - Dynamic Expander UK168, 1975 - original article

Preamp for Electric Guitar UK835, 1975 - original article
Electronic Fuzz Box UK855, 1971 - original article
Guitar Fuzz Box UK857 - original article [schematic] - original article

(Dallas) Arbiter

Anderton, Craig
Craig Anderton's circuits

Apollo Treble and Bass Booster schematic

Aria - ACH-1 Chorus = Monarch ACH-7 schematic
Aria - AEQ-1 Parametric EQ (1982) gut shots
Aria - AOD-1 Overdrive schematic
Aria - AUM-1 Ultra Metal schematic
Aria - RE-101 Super Sustainer schematic
Aria - RE-203 Super Fuzz Sustainer schematic
Aria - TD-1 Platinum Drive schematic
Aria - ADT-1 Distortion schematic

Arion - MDI-1 Bass Distortion schematic
Arion - MDS-1 Distortion schematic
Arion - SAD-1 Stereo Analog Delay schematic
Arion - SCH-1 Stereo Chorus schematic
Arion - SCH-Z Stereo Chorus schematic
Arion - SCO-1 Stereo Compressor schematic
Arion - SDI-1 Distortion schematic
Arion - SMM-1 Metal Master schematic
Arion - SOD-1 Overdrive schematic
Arion - SPH-1 - Stereo Phaser schematic

Armstrong, Dan
Dan Armstrong Purple Peaker factory schematic - vero layout by Torchy
Dan Armstrong Yellow Humper factory schematic

BBE - 427 Distortion schematic
BBE - Acoustimax schematic
BBE - AM-64 American Metal schematic
BBE - Boosta Grande schematic - Apollo's schematic
BBE - Crusher schematic
BBE - Free Fuzz schematic
BBE - Mind Bender v2.0 Gut Shots
BBE - Opto Stomp Optical Compressor schematic
BBE - Two-Timer (DM-2 clone)
BBE - Windowpane schematic

Baldwin Burns Buzzaround Fuzz (1965-1968?) gut shots & discusion - schematic - veroboard layout by Torchy

Behringer - AB200 Dual A/B Switchschematic & mods
Behringer - ADI21 V-Tone Acoustic Driver - schematic
Behringer - BCH100 Bass Chorus - schematic
Behringer - BEQ700 Bass Graphic Equalizer - schematic
Behringer - BO100 Blues Overdrive - schematic
Behringer - BOD100 Bass Overdrive - schematic
Behringer - DC9 Dynamics Compressor - schematic
Behringer - HB01 Hell Babe - schematic - schematic
Behringer - HD400 2 Channel Hum Supressor - schematic
Behringer - NR100 Noise Reducer - schematic
Behringer - PB-100 Preamp Booster - schematic
Behringer - PH9 Phaser - schematic
Behringer - SF300 Super Fuzz - schematic
Behringer - SM200 Slow Motion - schematic
Behringer - UC100 Ultra Chorus - schematic
Behringer - UD100 Ultra Distortion - schematic
Behringer - UF100 UltraFlanger 100 - schematic
Behringer - UM100 Ultra Metal - schematic
Behringer - UM300 Ultra Metal - schematic
Behringer - UO100 Ultra Octaver - schematic
Behringer - VAmp 2 - schematic
Behringer - VP1 Vintage Phaser true bypass mod --> EH Small Stone
Behringer - VT911 Vintage Tube Ovedrive schematic and mods

Boss AC-2 Acoustic Simulator schematic
Boss AW-2 Auto Wah gut shots

Boss BD-2 Blues Driver schematic
Boss - BE-5M Programmable Multiple Effects schematic
Boss BF-1 Flanger schematic
Boss BF-2 Flanger schematic
Boss BF-3 Flanger schematic

Boss CE-1 Chorus Ensemble schematic
Boss CE-2 Chorus Ensemble schematic
Boss CE-3 Chorus schematic
Boss CE-300 Super Chorus schematic
Boss CE-5 Chorus Ensemble (1991) schematic
Boss CE-5T Chorus Ensemble (2002) schematic
Boss CEB-3 Bass Chorus schematic
Boss CH-1 Super Chorus service notes 1989
Boss CH-1T Super Chorus service notes 2002
Boss CS-1 Compressor Sustainer schematic
Boss CS-2 Compressor Sustainer schematic
Boss CS-3 Compressor Sustainer schematic

Boss DB-5 Driver schematic
Boss DC-2 Dimension C schematic
Boss DD-2/3 Digital Delay repair hints
Boss DD-3 Digial Delay schematic
Boss DD-6 Digital Delay DSP repair advice
Boss DD-5 Digital Delay schematic
Boss DD-7 Digital Delay 2008 schematic
Boss DD-20 Gigadelay schematic
Boss DI-1 Direct Box schematic
Boss DM-2 Delay schematic & gut shots
Boss DM-100 Delay Machine schematic
Boss DN-2 Dyna Drive gut shots (DSP)
Boss DS-1 Distortion project files for the new version - pimp-my-pedal thread
Boss DS-2 Turbo Distortion schematic

Boss EH-2 Enhancer schematic

Boss FA-1 Fet Amplifier schematic
Boss FB-2 Feedbacker Booster schematic
Boss FV-50L Volume pedal schematic
Boss FV-500L Volume pedal schematic
Boss FW-3 Foot Wah schematic
Boss FZ-2 Hyper Fuzz schematic
Boss FZ-3 Fuzz schematic

Boss GE-7 Graphic EQ schematic 1987

Boss HC-2 Hand Clapper schematic 1984
Boss HF-2 Hi Band Flanger schematic
Boss HM-2 Heavy Metal schematic & mods
Boss HM-3 Hyper Metal schematic
Boss HR-3 Harmonist schematic

Boss LMB-2 Bass Limiter schematic
Boss LMB-3 Bass Limiter schematic

Boss MT-2 Metal Zone schematic

Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor schematic

Boss OC-2 Octaver schematic
Boss OD-1 Overdrive schematic
Boss OD-2 Turbo Overdrive schematic
Boss OD-2R Turbo Overdrive corrected schematic
Boss OD-3 Overdrive schematic

Boss PC-2 Percussion Synthesizer diy project
Boss PD-1 Distortion Rocker gut shots schematic
Boss PH-1r tracing schematic
Boss PH-3 Phaser schematic
Boss PN-2 Tremolo Pan schematic
Boss PQ-3B Bass Parametric Equalizer schematic
Boss PS-2 Digital Pitch Shifter / Delay schematic
Boss PS-5 Super Shifter discussion DSP pedal
Boss PW-10 V-Wah schematic
Boss PW-2 Powerdriver schematic

Boss RV-3 Digital Reverb / Delay schematic
Boss RV-5 Digital Reverb schematic

Boss SD-1 Super Overdrive schematic
Boss SD-2 Dual OverDrive schematic
Boss SG-1 Slow Gear schematic
Boss SP-1 Spectrum schematic

Boss TM-3 Training Monitor Line Driver schematic
Boss TR-2 Tremolo schematic & mods

Chandler Digital Stereo Delay schematic

Colorsound Jumbo Tonebender schematic
Colorsound Overdriver / Power Boost schematic & project files
Colorsound Phaze Four gut shots
Colorsound Ring Modulator gut shots
Colorsound Supasustain (1976) schematic
Coloround Supa Tonebender (1978) schematic & gut shots
Colorsound Sweep Pedal gut shots
Colorsound Tremelo - guts shot & schematic

Coron 70 Space Machine gut shots

Dallas Arbiter
Dallas Arbiter TremFace schematic
Dallas Arbiter Rangemaster discussion, schematic, build report and samples
Dallas Arbiter Add-A-Sound - gut shots

Dearmond - Twister Phase Shifter gutshots

Dharma Sound
Dharma Sound Phaser gut shots

DOD Buzz Box gut shots
DOD Compressor 280 guts shots & schematic
DOD FX-15 Swell Pedal schematic & gut shots
DOD FX-25 Auto Wah schematic & gut shots
DOD FX-45 Stereo Reverb gut shots

Dunlop JH-F1 Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face schematic
Dunlop JH-2 Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face schematic
Dunlop QZ-1 Q Zone schematic

George Dennis
George Dennis Blues Wizard analysis

Eko Multitone hires gut shots

Electro Harmonix
Electro Harmonix Axis schematic & gut shots
Electro Harmonix Attack Equalizer schematic & gut shots
Electro Harmonix Big Muff Pi 1977 DIY project files for vero and pcb
Electro Harmonix Big Muff Pi 2007 schematic
Electro Harmonix Germanium OD gut shots
Electro Harmonix Holy Grail DSP
Electro Harmonix - Low Frequency Compressor schematic
Electro Harmonix Memory Man DIY project by Kaputepalla
Electro Harmonix Memory Man Deluxe gut shots & mods
Electro Harmonix Metal Muff schematic
Electro Harmonix Mini Mixer gut shots
Electro Harmonix Mini Qtron gut shots - DIY project files by Bajaman
Electro Harmonix Polychorus repair tips & schematic
Electro Harmonix Slap Back Echo (1978) factory schematic
Electro Harmonix Small Clone project files by Bajaman
Electro Harmonix Talking Pedal schematic & files
Electro Harmonix Zipper schematic - gut shots

Foxx Foot Phase gut shot & discussion

Ibanez Analog Delay AD-80 schematics & guts
Ibanez Analog Delay AD-9 schematic & guts
Ibanez Digital Chorus DSC-10 schematic
Ibanez Flanger FL-303 gut shots
Ibanez Phaser PH-5 info
Ibanez Phaser PT-9 service manual
Ibanez Phasetone II PT-707 schematic
Ibanez Rotary Chorus RC-99 schematic & DIY project files

Inta Wah (1969) gut shots

Jen Dynamic Sustainer gut shot

Jordan Electronics
Jordan Bosstone schematic & shots
Jordan Compressor J-730 analysis

Kay Electronics
Kay Fuzztone (F-1) schematic

Keio Synthesizer Traveler guts shots

Guild Foxey Lady (2 knob) schematic

Heathkit TA-28 gutshot & parts layout

Maestro FMZ-1 Fuzz schematic and discussion
Maestro MPF-1 Fuzz schematic
Maestro Full Range Boost FRB-1 gut shots - schematic
Maestro Fuzz-Tone FZ1 (1962) patent & schematic
Maestro Fuzz-Tone FZ1-A (1965) gut shot discussion & schematic
Maestro Fuzz-Tone FZ1-B version 1 schematic by AG
Maestro Fuzz-Tone FZ1-B version 2 schematic by Andrew Carrell
Maestro Super Fuzz FZ1-S DIY project files at GGG - gut shots

Memphis Vintage Tremelo gut shots

Mesa Bottle Rocket guts shots & schematic

Morley Power Fuzz Wah schematic (rev. 1981)

Musitronics - Micron II schematic
Musitronics - Mutron III (1975) factory schematic
Musictronics - Phasor II schematic
Musitronics / Dan Armstrong schematics
Musitronics - Octave Divider schematics and files

MXR 6 Band Graphic EQ gut shots
MXR Bass Octave schematic by Stompmodder
MXR Classic 108 Fuzz gut shots
MXR Distortion III M-115 schematic
MXR Flanger M-117 schematic & more
MXR Flanger/Doubler M-120 schematic & gut shots
MXR Phase 90 gut shots
MXR Phase 100 versions & gut shots v2
MXR Smart Gate gut shots
MXR Zakk Wylde ZW-44 schematic

Orange Treble and Bass Booster (?) discussion schematic?

Pearl F-605 Analog Delay gut shots

Proco Brat gut shots
Proco Turbo Rat gut shots
Proco Rat schematic - History of the Proco Rat by Dosmun & version info
Proco Rat 2 schematic

Roland AS-1 Sustainer gut shots & schematic
Roland AP-2 Phase II gut shots
Roland AP-5 Phaser schematic
Roland AP-7 Phaser schematic/service notes
Roland AP-5 Phaser schematic

Ross Direct Box / Noise Gate gut shots
Ross Distortion gut shots narrow box - schematic & layout files
Ross Stereo Delay schematic

Schaller Bow Wow Yoy Yoy gut shots
Schaller Fuzz SI schematic by AG & gutschots
Schaller Fuzz Ge gutschot
Schaller Phaser I (1976) schematic
Schaller Rotor Sound schematic & guts
Schaller Tremolo schematic & project files

Shin-Ei FY-6 Fuzz project files by Dirk Hendrik
Shin-Ei Surf/Volume/Hurricane/Siren Wah gutshots - schematic

Sekova Power Booster MODEL 2013 schematic + project

Sola Sound
Sola Sound Tonebender Mark I (1965) schematic
Sola Sound Tonebender Professional Mark II schematic
Sola Sound Tonebender Mark III (1969-70?) gut shots

Sunn Buzz gut shots - schematic

Thomas Organ Company
TOC Cry Baby Stereo Fuzz Wah (9-3701) gut shots

Tycobrahe Analog Delay Line schematic & gut shots
Tycobrahe Direct Box - Noise Fader schematic & gut shots
Tycobrahe Pedalflanger schematic & gut shots
Tycobrahe Parapedal schematic & gut shots

Univox Univibe manual & schematic

Voodoo Lab
Voodoo Lab Bosstone schematic

Vox V1902 Flanger schematic
Vox V806 Treble Booster (06/1966) schematic
Vox V809 - Repeat Percussion schematic - layout files
Vox V810 Bass Booster (06/1966) schematic
Vox V816 Distortion Booster (06/1966) schematic
Vox V8161 Deluxe Distortion Booster (04/1967) schematic
Vox V8162 Distortion Booster (05/1969) schematic
Vox V8401 Treble and Bass Booster (1969) track side guts - schematic

20/08/2008: DOD 280 Compressor G&S added
20/08/2008: Maestro Fuzz Tone FZ-1B version 2 by AC added
Last edited by modman on 05 May 2024, 21:40, edited 26 times in total.
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Post by pinkjimiphoton »

hi guys, this guy seems to have some schems i haven't seen before... ... schematics
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Resistor Ronker
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Post by toneman »

I think ALL the Lovetones have been cloned now!!!

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Post by garygad »

This index is very helpful. It does look like it needs to be updated though. Thanks modman!

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Resistor Ronker
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Post by toneman »

needs updating.
found a couple of dead links right off the bat...


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Post by rocklander »

if you have the corrections (or even the names of the ones that are failing) can you articulate them here? that'd make it easier to amend rather than having to go through the lot .. onya :thumbsup
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Resistor Ronker
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Post by toneman »

the one I happened to be looking for was the EH Metal Muff.

the picture links at the beginning of the thread were dead.

Maybe because they were banned(?)

Scrolling down, I eventually found a version of the Metal Muff.

Also was wondering where all the Lovetones went(?)

Then, I discovered that FSB has them in the Boutique schematic index.

all is well....


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Old Solderhand
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my favorite amplifier: my jansen bassman 50
Completed builds: rebote 2.5; supreaux; odie; heartthrob tremolo; ross phaser; dr. boogey; thor; baja black toast; slow gear attack, rebote, tri-vibe, small clone, little angel, magnus modulus, echo base, hex fuzz, big muff, 22/7.
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Post by rocklander »

right... so there's no problem with the links in this thread.. it's the threads they go to.. prolly best to report it at the threads, cos this one kinda does what it's supposed to.. has links to fsb threads..

unless there's some links here that don't point to fsb threads?
world's greatest tautologist the world
Ronsonic wrote:...the lower the stakes the more vicious the combat.

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my favorite amplifier: my own, a redesigned princeton
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there's videos that totally suck of about 90 of 'em here:
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Post by pinkjimiphoton »

guys, anything that's "missing", let me know, and if i have it i will post it. gotta LOT of schematic backed up at this point!! 30+ gigs
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Post by latestsaint »

Does anybody have a gutshot of a MXR Bass Octave Deluxe??

Capacitor C16 got knocked off in mine, and i need to know the value so i can find a replacement :/

Any help is appreciated

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Post by Jimbo724 »

rocklander wrote:if you have the corrections (or even the names of the ones that are failing) can you articulate them here?
Both Dunlop JH FuzzFace links are dead.

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Ben N
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Post by Ben N »

Dan Armstrong stuff listed under Craig Anderton.

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Post by modman »

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Post by modman »

Ampeg - Phazzer [schematic]

Tremolo Generator UK107 - original article
Compressor - Dynamic Expander UK168, 1975 - original article

Preamp for Electric Guitar UK835, 1975 - original article
Electronic Fuzz Box UK855, 1971 - original article
Guitar Fuzz Box UK857 - original article [schematic] - original article

(Dallas) Arbiter
Add-A-Sound - gut shots
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Post by modman »

Boss AC-2 Acoustic Simulator schematic
Boss AW-2 Auto Wah gut shots

Boss BD-2 Blues Driver schematic
Boss - BE-5M Programmable Multiple Effects schematic
Boss BF-1 Flanger schematic
Boss BF-2 Flanger schematic
Boss BF-3 Flanger schematic

Boss CE-1 Chorus Ensemble schematic
Boss CE-2 Chorus Ensemble schematic
Boss CE-3 Chorus schematic
Boss CE-300 Super Chorus schematic
Boss CE-5 Chorus Ensemble (1991) schematic
Boss CE-5T Chorus Ensemble (2002) schematic
Boss CEB-3 Bass Chorus schematic
Boss CH-1 Super Chorus service notes 1989
Boss CH-1T Super Chorus service notes 2002
Boss CS-1 Compressor Sustainer schematic
Boss CS-2 Compressor Sustainer schematic
Boss CS-3 Compressor Sustainer schematic

Boss DB-5 Driver schematic
Boss DC-2 Dimension C schematic
Boss DD-2/3 Digital Delay repair hints
Boss DD-3 Digial Delay schematic
Boss DD-6 Digital Delay DSP repair advice
Boss DD-5 Digital Delay schematic
Boss DD-7 Digital Delay 2008 schematic
Boss DD-20 Gigadelay schematic
Boss DI-1 Direct Box schematic
Boss DM-2 Delay schematic & gut shots
Boss DM-100 Delay Machine schematic
Boss DN-2 Dyna Drive gut shots (DSP)
Boss DS-1 Distortion project files for the new version - pimp-my-pedal thread
Boss DS-2 Turbo Distortion schematic

Boss EH-2 Enhancer schematic

Boss FA-1 Fet Amplifier schematic
Boss FB-2 Feedbacker Booster schematic
Boss FV-50L Volume pedal schematic
Boss FV-500L Volume pedal schematic
Boss FW-3 Foot Wah schematic
Boss FZ-2 Hyper Fuzz schematic
Boss FZ-3 Fuzz schematic

Boss GE-7 Graphic EQ schematic 1987

Boss HC-2 Hand Clapper schematic 1984
Boss HF-2 Hi Band Flanger schematic
Boss HM-2 Heavy Metal schematic & mods
Boss HM-3 Hyper Metal schematic
Boss HR-3 Harmonist schematic

Boss LMB-2 Bass Limiter schematic
Boss LMB-3 Bass Limiter schematic

Boss MT-2 Metal Zone schematic

Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor schematic

Boss OC-2 Octaver schematic
Boss OD-1 Overdrive schematic
Boss OD-2 Turbo Overdrive schematic
Boss OD-2R Turbo Overdrive corrected schematic
Boss OD-3 Overdrive schematic

Boss PC-2 Percussion Synthesizer diy project
Boss PD-1 Distortion Rocker gut shots schematic
Boss PH-1r tracing schematic
Boss PH-3 Phaser schematic
Boss PN-2 Tremolo Pan schematic
Boss PQ-3B Bass Parametric Equalizer schematic
Boss PS-2 Digital Pitch Shifter / Delay schematic
Boss PS-5 Super Shifter discussion DSP pedal
Boss PW-10 V-Wah schematic
Boss PW-2 Powerdriver schematic

Boss RV-3 Digital Reverb / Delay schematic
Boss RV-5 Digital Reverb schematic

Boss SD-1 Super Overdrive schematic
Boss SD-2 Dual OverDrive schematic
Boss SG-1 Slow Gear schematic
Boss SP-1 Spectrum schematic

Boss TM-3 Training Monitor Line Driver schematic
Boss TR-2 Tremolo schematic & mods

Boss AW-2 gut shots
Boss BD-2 Blues Driver schematic
Boss BF-1 Flanger schematic
Boss DS-1 Distortion project files for the new version - pimp-my-pedal thread
Boss CE-3 Chorus schematic
Boss DD-2/3 Digital Delay repair hints
Boss DM-2 Delay schematic & gut shots
Boss DN-2 Dyna Drive gut shots (DSP)
Boss HM-2 Heavy Metal schematic & mods
Boss FZ-3 Fuzz schematic
Boss OD-3 Overdrive schematic
Boss PH-1r schematic
Boss PD-1 Distortion Rocker gut shots
Boss TR-2 Tremolo schematic & mods
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Post by modman »

Ampeg - Fuzzer
Ampeg - A-3 Overdrive schematic
Ampeg - Scrambler ( Reissue ) schematic
Ampeg - Sub Blaster schematic

AMT Electronics
AMT Electronics - S1 Legend series schematic
AMT Electronics - Slap Bass schematic
AMT Electronics - SS-11 A Preamp schematic
AMT Electronics - SS-20 schematic
AMT Electronics - TC-3 Tube Cake schematic
AMT Electronics - SS-30 Bulava 3-Channel Preamp schematic
AMT Electronics - Tube Magnum gut shots
AMT Electronics - Tube Platinum gut shots
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Post by modman »

Aria - ACH-1 Chorus = Monarch ACH-7 schematic
Aria - AEQ-1 Parametric EQ (1982) gut shots
Aria - AOD-1 Overdrive schematic
Aria - AUM-1 Ultra Metal schematic
Aria - RE-101 Super Sustainer schematic
Aria - RE-203 Super Fuzz Sustainer schematic
Aria - TD-1 Platinum Drive schematic
Aria - ADT-1 Distortion schematic

Arion - MDI-1 Bass Distortion schematic
Arion - MDS-1 Distortion schematic
Arion - SAD-1 Stereo Analog Delay schematic
Arion - SCH-1 Stereo Chorus schematic
Arion - SCH-Z Stereo Chorus schematic
Arion - SCO-1 Stereo Compressor schematic
Arion - SDI-1 Distortion schematic
Arion - SMM-1 Metal Master schematic
Arion - SOD-1 Overdrive schematic
Arion - SPH-1 - Stereo Phaser schematic
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Post by modman »

BBE - 427 Distortion schematic
BBE - Acoustimax schematic
BBE - AM-64 American Metal schematic
BBE - Boosta Grande schematic - Apollo's schematic
BBE - Crusher schematic
BBE - Free Fuzz schematic
BBE - Mind Bender v2.0 Gut Shots
BBE - Opto Stomp Optical Compressor schematic
BBE - Two-Timer (DM-2 clone)
BBE - Windowpane schematic
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Post by modman »

Behringer - ADI21 V-Tone Acoustic Driver - schematic
Behringer - BCH100 Bass Chorus - schematic
Behringer - BEQ700 Bass Graphic Equalizer - schematic
Behringer - BO100 Blues Overdrive - schematic
Behringer - BOD100 Bass Overdrive - schematic
Behringer - DC9 Dynamics Compressor - schematic
Behringer - HB01 Hell Babe - schematic - schematic
Behringer - HD400 2 Channel Hum Supressor - schematic
Behringer - NR100 Noise Reducer - schematic
Behringer - PB-100 Preamp Booster - schematic
Behringer - PH9 Phaser - schematic
Behringer - SF300 Super Fuzz - schematic
Behringer - SM200 Slow Motion - schematic
Behringer - UC100 Ultra Chorus - schematic
Behringer - UD100 Ultra Distortion - schematic
Behringer - UF100 UltraFlanger 100 - schematic
Behringer - UM100 Ultra Metal - schematic
Behringer - UM300 Ultra Metal - schematic
Behringer - UO100 Ultra Octaver - schematic
Behringer - VAmp 2 - schematic
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