1. Tonebender/FF dual pedal clone in the micro box (the one Malekko and Lovepedal are using for their trems and so on). Knobs on one side for FF, other for Tonebender, 3 way toggle (one/other/both) and bypass. Use the 5 transistor array?
2. Modular pedals: probably want to use trim pots for most functions because of the size issue, but use the bigger box with say 5 stomp switches for boost/TS9 or rat or Electra (with switch to change the order), PT2399 delay, PT2399 reverb, trem or chorus or flange. The end user could specify which board, and which controls are brought out to pots on the surface. Try and keep it in the normal depth package so it'll fit in a guitar case or gig bag. A input for a tap tempo pedal would be the icing on the cake!
3. Populated PCBs to install in guitars. A compressor and a boost would be no brainers, but adding a few other effects that sound good and work well would be killer!